
Lazy Weekend

We had a pretty lazy weekend.  It has rained both days, so we have mainly stayed in and haven't really accomplished much.  I really wanted to work in the basement and throw out some old junk, but we didn't want to risk getting the truck stuck in the mud.  The only time we went out was for a quick fast food drive thru run Saturday night & Church Sunday morning.

I did manage to finish one of my personal challenges for this week, but I'll have to work on the other this week.  A book I've been wanting to read came in the mail, so that occupied some of my free time!  =)

Here's the Elf Hat.  It is an infant size hat, so Mason couldn't model it for us!  I broke both of my Knifty Knitter Clips while working on this hat even though it was the FIRST time I had used them!  It was also the first time I have knitted a hat on the yellow long loom.  It took me a while to get used to it, but I got in a pretty good grove & chugged right along!  I also used my yellow Clover Pom Pom maker for the first time!

Here's to a great week ahead!

1 fabulous folks said...:

Courtney Short said...

that is an ADORABLE hat.. I would love to learn how to make that on a loom.. Im new to looming (somewhat) and have only made plain hats and scarves..