
Mouse House Pumpkin

Pumpkin (styrofoam) - $5.00 Walmart
Mice - pack of 8 $2.00 Walmart
Black Paint

Hollow out a hole in the pumpkin.
Paint the inside of the hole black.
Glue several mice on the pumpkin.

I chose to only make one hole in the pumpkin and use 3 mice,
but I'm sure it would be creepier with more mice scattered about.
I bet the pumpkin would look spooky painted white or black, too.
(you could use gray mice to put on your black pumpkin)

If you have any questions, feel free to email me!

I would LOVE to see your Mouse House Pumpkin!
Feel free to leave a link to yours in a comment.

9 fabulous folks said...:

Jamie Lane Designs said...

Sooo cute!

Tractor Mom said...

Love it!! You know you could do this with a real pumpkin too! It would be creepy with more holes and a light in it!

Come by and check my new look...

Anonymous said...

Okay that is WAY cute!! Also, I wanted to let you know that I am working on and trying to get out there something called "The Handmade Pact" & "Handmade Tuesdays." On Tuesday I feature someone for a tutorial (let me know if you ever want to be featured :) and then I have a linky where others can link up tutorials they have done on their blogs (can be from whenever. Just cannot be repeated on more than one week). :) I am also wanting to feature etsy shops as well because not everyone can make things :) Have a great week!

X said...

That is so cute!
I'm following you from the Monday Blog Hop! Hope you'll follow me back at http://daffodilmama.blogspot.com
Have a great day!

~Dawn~ said...

Super cute :) I'm a new follower from the blog hops.

Dawn @ Mom-a-Logues

BrettBMartin said...

I'm sub'd to your feeds with my google reader now- thanks for joining into the Read my Feeds weekends!! Hope we'll see you next week!!


~Katey~ said...

Newest follower here and fellow Mommy. My toddler said "EWWWWWWW mice are ick Momma!". Guess that means I wont be making that but its cute!
Please feel free to stop by and follow me back at


Unknown said...

Hi there!
I'm your newest follower. Stop by sometime...I'm new! Happy Monday!

Melissa said...

So cute!!! What a great idea, thanks for sharing! Following you from "Mom Blog Monday". Love your blog! :-)
